
Showing posts from June, 2012


All newborn babies go through periods of crying or fussiness. However, when a healthy baby cries for more than 3 hours per day, more than 3 days per week for at least 3 weeks, it is a condition known as colic. Although colic can be highly upsetting for both baby and parents, it is a normal condition, and it will eventually go away on its own. Many people believe that a breastfeeding mother's diet can have an effect on a baby's system. Avoiding certain foods for your baby's first six weeks will help to minimize or prevent colic. Some foods can negatively affect a newborn, because it takes approximately two months for the digestive system to mature. Here are some ideas for preventing colic in your baby. 1. Avoid eating certain fruits during your baby's first six weeks. These include berries, mangoes, grapes, melons, lemons and pineapples. 2. Avoid eating certain vegetables during your baby's first six weeks. These include broccoli, cabbage, peas, cucumbe


Constipation is one ailment/ disease that you need never have again. It is certainly important to put the right kind of food into your body, but it is also essential to get wastes out. Naturopaths frequently address illness, bowel first, and with good reason. Scientific studies have shown increased incidence of diverticular diseases, heart diseases, and cancer among constipated persons. It is common for arthritics to have a history of chronic constipation. Probably at least one third of all diabetics would require less insulin simply if they had more fiber in their diet. Throughout much of Africa and Asia, people eat a great deal of vegetables, grains and legumes (beans, lentils, etc.). These people have a digestive transit time of 18 hours or less. This means that what's left of the food they just ate will be excreted as a bowel movement about 18 hours later. In Westernized cultures, a transit time twice as long (36 hours) is the rule, and 48 to 72 hours is not uncommon. This mea

10 THINGS YOU DIDNT KNOW ABOUT Urinary Tract Infections(UTI)

Overview of UTI Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common infection that usually occurs when bacteria enter the opening of the urethra and multiply in the urinary tract. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder (ureters), the bladder, and the tube that carries urine from the bladder (urethra). The special connection of the ureters at the bladder help prevent urine from backing up into the kidneys, and the flow of urine through the urethra helps to eliminate bacteria. Men, women, and children develop UTIs   Here Are The Fact Before we go deeper in the coming posts; 1. Urinary tract infections result in nearly 10 million office(toilet) visits, 1.5 million hospitalizations and about Tsh.100 billion in health care costs. Two-thirds of office visits for urinary tract infections are by women of childbearing age. One in every five women will have at least one urinary tract infection in her life, and some women will have mo
Medipharm Limited • Agent, Distributor & Stockist • Phone: +255 222 123 375 • E-mail: • Street: Samora Avenue • City: Dar es Salaam • Dispensing Chemist and Druggist . We also have branches at Slipway and Sea Cliff Village . Opening Hours:- Mondays to Fridays from 10am – 6pm                                                              Saturdays from 10am – 5pm                                                             Sundays & Public Holidays from 10am – 2pm                                                               Emergency Line: +255 713 327 787


How to lower your blood pressure An unhealthy lifestyle will raise your blood pressure over time. And the higher your blood pressure becomes, the higher your risk of having a stroke or heart attack in the future. But the good news is that if you have high blood pressure, healthy changes will help to bring it down. And you don't have to wait until you have high blood pressure to make healthy lifestyle changes. The more you can reduce your blood pressure, the lower your risk of a heart attack or stroke will be:     1. Blood Pressure Diet - Eat less salt Too much salt raises your blood pressure, so it is important to eat as little as possible. In fact, some people with high blood pressure may be able to avoid blood pressure medicines by cutting down on salt. Most of the salt you eat is not what you add to your food, but is in prepared foods like bread, breakfast cereals and ready meals. Don’t add salt to food when cooking or at the table. When shopping for food, check the


What is sickle cell anaemia? Sickle cell anaemia is an inherited genetic condition in which there's an abnormality in haemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein found in red blood cells. People with sickle cell anaemia have a type of haemoglobin known as sickle haemoglobin (HbS), which is different from normal haemoglobin (HbA). Normal red blood cells can bend and flex easily, and so travel around the blood vessels easily. When sickle haemoglobin gives up its oxygen to the tissues, it sticks together to form long rods inside the red blood cells, making these cells rigid and sickle-shaped. They are then less able to squeeze through small blood vessels. These small blood vessels easily become blocked, preventing oxygen from getting through and causing severe pain and damage to organs. Symptoms of sickle cell anaemia Blockage of a blood vessel causes an attack known as a crisis. This is more likely to happen when the person is stressed by another illnes


Your colleague at the office fills her gallon jug with fresh water every morning, forcing herself to finish it by day's end. Your gym buddy's been loading up on chicken and turkey to build muscle. And your sister is pleased that she's found cholesterol-free cookies, which she believes provide heart-healthy benefits. If you're thinking about adopting some of their "healthy" habits, think again. Read on to separate fact from fiction. Myth #1: Eating late at night will make you fat. Fact: Calories are calories--no matter what time they're eaten. There is no magic hour in which your body decides that incoming calories must be stored as fat. If you routinely overindulge after dinner, it's the overindulging that's sabotaging your weight-control efforts, not the hour on the clock. For some people, the "no calories after 8 p.m." rule is an effective diet strategy because it means they take in fewer calories and less saturated fat over the co


Coughs and Colds in Children Coughs and colds are usually caused by a viral infection. They normally clear away on their own, and antibiotics are usually of no use. Paracetamol or ibuprofen may ease some of the symptoms. Make sure the child has enough to drink like water, juice or some soda. Before we go further, lets have these questions in mind; What causes coughs and colds and what are the symptoms? What are the treatments for coughs and colds? Recent research What symptoms should I look out for? References What causes coughs and colds and what are the symptoms? Most coughs and colds are caused by viruses. Many different viruses can infect the nose and throat. They are passed on by coughing and sneezing the virus into the air. An average pre-school and primary school child has 3-8 coughs or colds per year. Sometimes several coughs or colds occur one after the other. A child who lives with smokers has an increased risk of developing coughs and colds. The common sym
IS DAILY ASPIRIN WORTH THE RISK(click here for more details)? Kwa mawasiliano: 0654408562, 0762511952.
  Why 'Miracle Diet' Controls Epilepsy Kwa mawasiliano: 0654408562, 0762511952.


  Less than 6 hours sleep significantly increases risk of a stroke even if you are fit and healthy   Kwa mawasiliano: 0654408562, 0762511952.


  Women May Suffer Fat Stigma Even After Losing Weight   Kwa mawasiliano: 0654408562, 0762511952.


Allergies can be happen to anyone. The disease is not only attack the skin or lung as far we know, but all the organs of the body, including the brain. And allergies can be extremely dangerous in children but how to handle allergies on our children? Allergy in children is not as simple as we thought. We often hear that allergy symptoms are cough, colds, shortness of breath and itching of the skin. Whereas, allergies can attack all organs and body systems, lung, skin, urinary, cardiovascular, central nervous and even the arrangement of the brain. When the allergy-complications occur, then it can pose a danger and very risky interfere with the growth of our children. Actually signs of allergies can be known since the child was born and even in the womb of this allergic disease can be detected. And the good news is actually allergic diseases can be prevented more early. Then what actually allergic disease means? Allergic diseases is a collection of symptoms resulting from excessive immune


Basic considerations Drug use during pregnancy is common: between 50% and 70% of pregnant women take at least one medication, and majority take more than one. Some drugs are used to treat pregnancy-related conditions such as nausea, constipation and pre-eclampsia. Some are used to treat chronic disorders such as hypertension, diabetes, and epilepsy. And some are used for infectious disease or cancer. In addition to taking these therapeutic agents, some pregnant women frequently take drugs of abuse such as alcohol, cocaine and heroin. Drugtherapy in pregnancy presents a vexing dilemma. In pregnant patients as in all other patients, the benefits of treatment must balance the risks. Of course when drugs are used during pregnancy, risks apply to the featus as well as the mother. Unfortunately, the risks for most drugs used in pregnancy have not been determined, hence the dilemma: the clinician is obliged to balance risks versus benefits, without knowing what the risks really are. Des


                                                                    LETS TALK ABOUT VITAMIN B-COMPLEX: For those who suffer of diabetes, besides following an active lifestyle and an accurate diet, doctors recommend certain vitamins and minerals that can lower the sugar level in blood, therefore controlling the diabetes. The vitamins from the B complex are useful in the treatment of diabetes because they reduce the cholesterol and blood fat and they should be administered at all times. A person who has diabetes generally loses a large quantity of vitamins of the B complex when going to the bathroom to urinate. Therefore it is recommended to take at least 16000 units of vitamin B complex daily. Vitamin B1, also known as Thiamine has a special value in managing diabetes. The lack of vitamin B1, leads to the installation of neuritis, but this consequence can be relieved after administrating large amounts of vitamin B1. Also, vitamin B1 has an important role in preventing brain

EVERY FRIDAY IS A WELL BABY DAY IN MY BLOG: Multivitamin for your baby

                   WHEN DO BABIES AND CHILDREN NEED MULTVITAMIN?? In most cases, breast milk or formula provides just about everything a baby needs for the first four to six months. The exception is vitamin D, which is recommended as a supplement for breastfed babies and babies who drink less than 32 ounces of formula per day. (See below for more details.) After age 4 to 6 months, as your baby's diet gradually changes from an all-liquid diet to one that contains more and more solid food, your doctor may or may not recommend additional vitamin supplements. Babies who eat a variety of foods over time shouldn't need them, but there are exceptions. For example, supplements may be necessary if your baby was born prematurely, at a low birth weight, or small for gestational age; consistently drinks less breast milk or formula than other babies his age and doesn't make up the difference with food: or has chronic health problems that affect his ability to eat. Be sure to ask y


Hii ni product mpya kabisa, inatumika kama supplement kwaajili ya kuongeza nguvu mwilini na pia kuongeza uwezo wa akili kufanya kazi kwa kiwango cha juu. Inatengenezwa na NATIVA /SOUTH AFRICA. Product hii ni nzuri kwa watu wote, lakini pia inaweza kuwa na msaada zaidi kwa wanafunzi ambao wana mambo mengi sana ya kusoma na kukumbuka, pia inafaa kwa watu wa maofisini ambao akili huchoka kwa sababu ya kazi za ofisi One satchet a day Kiujumla ni kwamba supplement hii ina saidia kuboresha mzunguko wa damu na hivyo kuifanya akili/ ubongo upate oxygen na glucose ya kutosha na hivyo kufanya kazi kwa kiwango cha juu Je product hii ina tengenezwa na nini? Bila shaka hili ni swali la wengi; Product hii imeundwa na GINKGO BILOBA pamoja na Ginseng na VITAMIN C. Imetengenezwa kwa chenga chenga ndogo ambazo zipo kwenye vifuko ( satchets) , na kila kijifuko ni kwaajili ya glasi moja ya maji ama juice ambamo huchanganywa na kuleta radha tamu ya machungwa tayari kwa kunywa. Mimi ni m


Bila shaka kila mtu anafahamu umuhimu wa maji, lakini si watu wote wanafahamu kuwa maji ni dawa pia, licha ya kutumika kwa ajili ya kunywa ili kukata kiu. Nchini Japan na nchi nyingine nyingi za Bara la Asia, ni jambo la kawaida kwa watu wake kunywa maji kwanza asubuhi kabla ya kula kitu chochote. Tabia hii ina faida kubwa kwa afya ya binadamu na hata utafiti wa kisayansi uliofanywa, umethibitisha thamani ya maji katika kuponya, kuzuia au kudhibiti magonjwa kadhaa yanayosumbua watu wengi. Chama Cha Madaktari wa Japan (Japanese Medical Society) kimethibitisha kuwa maji yana uwezo wa kutibu, kwa asilimia 100, magonjwa sugu na maarufu yafuatayo, iwapo mtu atafuata kanuni na taratibu za kunywa maji hayo kama tiba: Kuumwa kichwa, maumivu ya mwili, mfumo wa moyo, moyo kwenda mbio, kifafa, uzito mkubwa, pumu, kifua kikuu, uti wa mgongo, ugonjwa wa figo, magonjwa ya mkojo, kutapika, vidonda vya tumbo, kuharisha, kisukari, saratani, ukosefu wa choo, matatizo ya macho, tumbo, hedhi, sikio, pua